- 空と家
- おのみち屋

いつも「一棟貸切宿 空と家」をご愛顧いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
ギャラリー おのみち屋
〒764-0014 香川県仲多度郡多度津町本通1丁目3−18(Google mapでみる)
[チェックイン] 15:00〜21:00
[チェックアウト] 〜11:00
藝術喫茶 清水温泉の道路を挟んで斜め前、青い龍のイラストが目印の建物です。
(English)【Important】The check-in desk has been changed to “Onomichiya”.
Thank you very much for your continued patronage of “One-Room Inn Sora to Ie”.
The check-in desk has been changed as follows.
◼︎ New check-in reception location
Gallery Onomichiya
1-3-18 Hondori, Tadotsu-cho, Nakatado-gun, Kagawa, 764-0014 (View in Google map)
[Check-in] 15:00 - 21:00
[Check-out] ~11:00
The building diagonally across the street from the art cafe Shimizu Onsen is marked by a blue dragon illustration.
Please enter the building and come to the counter in the back.